
Pursuant to Article 12 of the Law on Regional Development of the Republic of Lithuania:

3. Regional Development Council:

1) prepares, approves the regional development plan, its amendments, coordinates and controls the implementation of the regional development plan;

2) submit proposals to the Ministry of the Interior and other state institutions and institutions preparing planning documents approved by the Government regarding the projects of the Regional Development Program and other planning documents approved by the Government, the implementation of which may have an impact on the development of the region;

3) submit proposals to the Ministry of the Interior regarding regional development problems to be solved and impact indicators;

4) submit proposals to municipal councils regarding strategic development plans of municipalities;

5) coordinates the implementation of preconditions set for the region in the Regional Development Program or implements them according to competence;

6) submits proposals to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other ministries regarding draft legal acts, the implementation of which may have an impact on the development of the region;

7) recognizes projects as projects of regional importance, supervises the implementation of these projects and decides on the replacement or invalidation of decisions of the Regional Development Council, which recognized projects as projects of regional importance;

8) according to competence, participates in the preparation of programs intended to solve common problems of the regions located on the common land or sea border of Lithuania and neighboring states, and in monitoring the implementation of these programs;

9) represents the region in international regional cooperation organizations and cooperates with the regions of other countries;

10) in accordance with the Law on Local Self-Government of the Republic of Lithuania, implements the powers of administration of the provision of public services transferred by several or all municipalities of the region;

11) performs other functions of the regional development council established in this and other laws and Government resolutions.

Pursuant to Article 20 of the Law on Regional Development of the Republic of Lithuania:

The body of the regional development council is the general meeting of participants, the governing bodies are the collegium and the administrative director of the regional development council.